Studio Review: Cyclebar Falls Church
Clip in friends - coming at you with a new studio review!
Today we're chatting about Cyclebar! Cyclebar is a franchise-based spin studio with locations across the country. Today we're focusing specifically on Cyclebar Falls Church, one of the newest locations in the DC area, but much of this information holds true for Cyclebars across the county (or at least from what I've been able to check out in Virginia Beach and Charleston).
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Studio: Cyclebar Falls Church
Location: Falls Church, VA
Transportation Info:
Metro: It's about a mile walk from the East Falls Church metro stop and there are a number of bus stops just across the street.
Parking: Cyclebar shares a building with the Harris Teeter on Broad St. The Harris Teeter parking lot has a number of spaces that are designated just for Cyclebar riders so you shouldn't have an issue finding a spot! And if you can't find one you can park in a Harris Teeter spot - they won't tow ;)
Bikeshare: Negative
Class Taken + Class Length: I've taken classes with Leigh and Meredith and they're both awesome! Cyclebar offers both themed classes and regular rides. Most classes are 45 minutes though there are a few hour-long endurance rides offered. All classes include one song of arm work on the bike.
Good for beginners? Yes! If you're comfortable being on a bike for just under an hour, then you can take this class. At Cyclebar, like any other fitness class, you just need to listen to your body. If standing up out of the saddle isn't working for you, then you can stay in the saddle and keep pedaling. If you're new to spin, it can take a song or two to get used to riding on beat and figuring out the simple choreography. If you're able to focus on riding to the beat, everything else will come easy.
Sweat Level: You'll definitely use the towel provided on your bike. Not sure if this is a real thing but I've found Cyclebar classes to be very air conditioned so, while I'm pushing myself just as hard, I don't always sweat as much as I do in say a Soulcycle class.
Sore After: If you've never done spin, you'll likely be a bit sore after class. The first few times I took spin it took me a while to figure out how to gracefully get in and out of the seat (a.k.a. the "saddle") so I was definitely sore from that after my first class or two. That said, if you spin fairly regularly you shouldn't experience a ton of soreness.
Vibe: First off, Cyclebar is SO friendly. At every new studio I've visited, especially Falls Church, the staff are wonderful about welcoming new riders. They'll give you a tour of the studio, have your name written on your locker, and gift you with a Cyclebar-branded water bottle.
Welcome notes for first time Cyclebar riders!
Once you walk in to the studio, you'll find that Cyclebar studios are organized like a theater - so the bikes are staggered across about three different tiers (very similar to Zengo or Flywheel if you're familiar with those studios) with the instructor on a platform in the front of the room. This setup is great because you're able to see yourself in the mirror no matter where you're sitting, which I find really motivating.
In terms of the actual class, Cyclebar is a studio where you ride to the beat of the music in a dimly lit room. What sets Cyclebar apart is that you're able to monitor your stats throughout your ride. The instructor will give you targets to hit in terms of resistance on the bike and RPMs (how fast you're pedaling) to keep everyone on beat and pushing themselves. These stats will be thrown up once or twice throughout the class to show you how you're doing on the ride and sometimes they'll set up races between individuals or groups within the class. If you're someone who likes competition - this feature can be a great motivator!
If you're not into sharing your stats with everyone in class you can also opt out of having your name displayed on the screen and no one will be the wiser. You'll still get your stats sent to you directly after class.
Here's an example of what your Cyclebar Stats look like after class. (Yes, I did pick the class where I got the highest ranking ;) )
Amenities: A free water bottle for first-time riders, free shoe rentals every time, and two unisex bathrooms with goodies like deodorant and extra hair ties inside are great amenities at this studio.
What To Wear: I'd recommend wearing a t-shirt or tank and leggings or capris. You'll be provided spin shoes for free but you'll need to make sure you're wearing socks. My fiancé always wears hats to spin to serve as a sweat band so that's an option too!
What To Bring To Class: Bring a pair of socks and your Cyclebar water bottle!
New Member Special: FIRST WEEK FREE!! Cyclebar is so wonderful about offering a free class to new members and Cyclebar Falls Church is even more generous to offer you an entire week free. After your free week, new members can take advantage of their first month with unlimited classes for $99.
Sweat Smarter Exclusive Deal: Get 15% off your online purchases at Cyclebar Falls Church with promo code: SWEAT. Deal is active now through August 8, 2018.
Drop-In Price: $28
On ClassPass?: Yes!
Try If You Like: If you like spin classes, definitely try Cyclebar! It's particularly similar to Flywheel since you monitor your stats throughout the class and have that extra hint of competition.
Sweat Smarter Summary: There is no excuse not to try a Cyclebar class! Cyclebar sets itself apart by it's very positive community and the consistency of experience across Cyclebar studios and instructors. At Cyclebar Falls Church, the first week is free and you're guaranteed a fun ride, a new water bottle, and an easy parking spot. What's not to lose?!
Let me know if there’s a studio that you’d like to see reviewed or if you’re a studio and would like to have Sweat Smarter come out for a review!