December brings with it cooler, shorter days, and longer evenings to take the opportunity to go inward, rest, and recoup from the faster pace of summer and fall.
Join us at 14th St for mindful movements and community each crisp Saturday morning of December for a 50-minute Align and Flow series with local instructor, Mariana Matias.
In this series Mariana slow flows with longer holds to help refine your technique. This helps build greater physical and mental vigor, and is a great way to start Saturday mornings.
Mariana, yoga instructor at MINT, has been practicing yoga for over a decade. Her interest in anatomy and therapeutics lead her to study yoga therapeutics Acupuncture and Zero Balancing, and orient her teaching around alignment.
Some store mats are provided, but limited; we recommend please bringing your own, if you have one.
More info and register here.