DIY Barry's Bootcamp Class

DIY Barry's Bootcamp Class

I was craving a Barry’s Bootcamp workout the other day and, since I can’t easily get to a studio during the week (at least until the new Clarendon location opens), I decided to put together a DIY Barry’s Bootcamp workout at my local gym.

Here’s how I hacked the signature Barry’s calorie-busting workout for free, albeit without the red lights.

Scroll down on your ClassPass app to access a ton of audio and video workouts for free!

Scroll down on your ClassPass app to access a ton of audio and video workouts for free!

First, I started with ClassPass’ often-forgotten feature — in-app audio and video workouts that are free with your subscription. They offer a full suite of audio training sessions for everything you could do at the gym. I used these audio recordings to hack the Barry’s format by selecting:

  • 15-Minute Treadmill Workout

  • 12-Minute Leg Workout

  • Another 15-Minute Treadmill Workout

  • 10-Minute Core Workout

I picked treadmill workouts that focused on interval training and incorporated sprints or changes in incline to mirror the style of Barry’s classes. For the non-running workouts, I pushed myself to select workouts that included exercises that I don’t normally do on my own in the gym and that included a heavier weights to really feel that same burn of the class. From the ClassPass menu, I selected all Intermediate level workouts to push myself beyond my comfort zone, like a Barry’s class innately does.

The result was a seriously strenuous workout that had me tired that night and sore the next day – the same result I look for in a Barry’s class, but without the $34 price tag.

If you’re looking to replicate this workout, you can use this ClassPass approach or use another favorite workout app like Daily Burn, Peloton Digital, or Aaptiv to follow this same concept.

If you haven’t tried ClassPass yet – sign up here to get $40 towards your first month. (And visit this article about the pros and cons of using the service. With the way that I use it, the pros, 100% outweigh any cons!)

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